A proposito del post de Val, acá van unas retratos de estos jovenes boxeadores que a temprana edad decidieron que lo suyo es el ring, las razones son varias, un futuro mas prometedor, dinero, tradicion familiar, o solo por que "les gustan los trancazos"... Al final hay muchos caminos para ir por la vida, ellos decidieron peleando.
In realtionship with Val's post i'm currently working in this essay about boxing kids in Mexico City, kids that at a really young age decide to get on a ring to fight for many reasons: a brighter future, money, family tradition, or just because the sake of it, if it is not the gym they are going to do it anyway. At the end there are many ways to get trough life, they chose fighting.about boxing kids in Mexico City, kids that at a really young age decide to get on a ring to fight for many reasons: a brighter future, money, family tradition, or just because the sake of it, if it is not the gym they are going to do it anyway. At the end there are many ways to get through life, they chose fighting.
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