Thursday, February 11, 2010


This Saturday the Citizens of Florida will have an opportunity to show their opposition to oil drilling as close as 3 to 10 miles off our coast. This movement will be made of people of all walks of life and will cross political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our shoreline, our tourism, our valuable properties and our way of life. Let us share our knowledge, energies and passion for protecting our waterways and beaches from the devastating effects of oil drilling.

Saturday, February 13th @ 1pm est
Your nearest beach
For more info:

Este Sábado los residentes de Florida tendrán la oportunidad de oponerse a la excavación petroléra que esta a tan solo 3 a 10 millas de la costa. Este movimiento estará integrado por gente de todos los ámbitos dejando atrás cualquier tinte político. Este movimiento no es político; tiene el objetivo de proteger la costa, el turismo y la forma de vivir de los residentes de Florida.

Sábado 13 de Febrero, @ 1pm est
Tu playa mas cercana
Pa ra mas info:

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